Our Weapons of War

Our Weapons of War


We are almost at the midway point of 2022 - one of the most tumultuous and dizzying years in history.  Yet, many people remain totally unaware and completely dumbed down to the significance of this time in history in relation to events as they are described in the Bible. Scriptures include data about what happens at the “end of time” and the study of these events is called Eschatology. Many conversations about these things lead to statements and justifications such as “yeah….but what about this time in history? Or that time in history?” or “but they thought the same thing back in……(name a time in history)….”


I totally understand the cognitive dissonance that is created in many in regard to end times events as I wrestle mightily to stay out from under the overwhelming spell of human logic or reason myself. I also know it’s also a part of the grand scheme of deception we are told to expect in the end of times. The Bible even says things will occur in such a convincing manner that it is possible that “even the elect would be deceived” (Matthew 24:24). The age that we are living in now and that is rapidly coming to an end is also known as the Church Age or  the Dispensation of Grace. This age started when our Messiah Yeshua ascended into Heaven following His life, death, burial, and resurrection here on Earth. We have been in this age now for close to over 2,000 years and absolutely everything that we were told to expect at the end is happening now at unfathomably neck-breaking speeds! I seriously can’t keep up with the Biblical prophecies that are occurring all around the world - especially in the Middle East and Israel - aka the Apple of God’s Eye. They say to know the timing of these things one should watch Israel which is God’s timepiece/clock; watch Jerusalem which is the minute-hand; and watch the Temple Mound, which is the second-hand. Man oh man, stuff is popping like crazy in that region! Phew.


Take all of this and view it through the lens of Scripture. Align it against the Biblical Hebrew Mazzaroth which is the story being told in the constellations and that we are told to watch so that we would, in fact, know the times, signs, and seasons of His return. Compare and contrast these with all the other data which the watchmen (aka His “sheep”) are hearing from the One True Shepherd’s voice (John 10:27) and there’s simply no other way of getting around the conclusion that the end is near and even upon us. The convergence and collision of all these factors is absolutely stunning. You simply would have to be woefully uninformed, sound asleep, willfully defiant, or a part of the satanic agenda coming against its fulfillment to not be acknowledging its unfolding at this point. 


As is a part of His design and purpose, our brilliant and omniscient Creator God allows times of pain, suffering, and discomfort in order to get our attention and therefore, ultimately, our hearts. That is a lot of what this journey here on Planet Earth is all about for us, pure and simple. Our breathtaking God wanted people that would freely and willingly fall in love with Him - not simply His blessings and provisions - and to sojourn with Him from here until eternity. And though He gives us His blessings freely, they are meant to woo and ultimately win our hearts as well as our trust and complete reliance on Him for our each and every provision and need. When we walk in total surrender to Him, we trust that He will do everything that He promises (which is A LOT!) for those who call upon His name and walk in obedience to His perfect will and plan for our lives. When we rebel or forget about Him, as any good and perfect Father would do, He allows discomfort in our lives until we learn what it is that we need to learn for our own good and well-being.


This last week brought about yet another mass shooting and tragedy - this time of precious young school-aged children and their teachers who were trying to protect them. It is absolutely devastating, heartbreaking, and increasingly taking a toll on every last one of the alive souls still walking this time in history. This, once again, is a part of the grand scheme and design to not only “wear down the saints” (Daniel 7:25). This also brings about the chaos and collapse of the systems that stand in opposition to the One World Government we read about in scripture and now hear about with unabashed concern from the actual powers that are bringing it. Yet, it also fulfills Yah’s perfect will and plan. Those in charge and “calling the shots” that directly affect us currently may be the ten kings we’re told about in scripture. It’s insanely Scriptural and I seriously can say that my Bible is my "go to" source for current-day news instead of MSM (mainstream media) and/or even my most trusted of news sources. I simply have seen, experienced, walked in, and/or learned of way, way, WAY too much deception, lies, and misinformation to ever trust anything or anyone outside of God himself. Let God be true and every man a liar. Romans 3:4.


As I’ve watched the inevitable and tragic ensuing political debates surrounding mostly gun control and regulations (again all by design to disarm us and move us into their agenda), I have to constantly and continually ask my Lord “just what are the weapons of this war?”. Do we jump in and fight for our rights and our freedoms? Or do we sit passively by and watch them all erode and get systematically taken away? The removal of our rights is moving at such insanely high speeds now with the WHO’s vote last week basically stripping the USA and the other 193 UN NATO member countries of our sovereignty to rule and reign ourselves. Again, it’s ALL ON CUE and exactly what we’re told and warned about in Scripture. Do we just sit down and watch, wait and let it all play out? This goes 100% against my passionate warrior spirit and nature! My daily desperate cry to my Abba Father is to show me where my fight is this day. I know He has given me this wiring and intense passion to fight for what’s right and to help protect my fellow man, but my flesh can so easily lash out against my fellow man instead of the demonic spirit that is most likely at play behind them. “For we wrestle NOT against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against wickedness in high places.” (Ephesians 6:12).  I do not want to be afraid to “call a spade a spade” just as our Messiah Yeshua did when confronted with evil men that were walking in demonic possession, or those walking in ignorance and darkness. I don’t want to be afraid to say the things He did like, “get behind me, Satan!” when talking to one of His closest friends and disciples (Peter whom He loved!) or “you hypocrite and brood of vipers!” when confronting the religious leaders and zealots of His day. He loved them also but they were the ones rejecting Him and His perfect plan of salvation of mankind and were constantly trying to prove Him wrong and/or throw Him off His guard. 


Our Messiah Yeshua, could have summoned legions of Heavenly angelic hosts to war and battle on His behalf, but instead He chose unfathomable humility (strength under control) and walked in the weapons we’re told about in 2 Corinthians 10:4-5, “For the weapons of our war are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, and being ready to punish all disobedience, whenever your obedience is complete.”


Each and every day His mercies are new (Lamentations 3:22-23). Thank you, Messiah Yeshua. As someone who constantly seems to get things wrong, each morning I am met with the opportunity to get it right once again. A clean slate. And because He never seems to give us glimpses very far off into our specific futures, we simply have to rely on Him every single day and every single step of the way. This is actually His mercy because 1) we would freak out if we saw our futures! and 2) it keeps us entirely dependent on Him for all of our needs - which He can and does supply for us according to His riches in glory (Philippians 4:19). Plus, He promises to give His angels charge over us. So I think we’re good. And very, very wise to stay within His perfect place of protection. His Psalm 91 care. 


Our Weapons: What are they really?

This morning I saw this social media post that one of my dearest friends and allies in this war shared (see meme to the left here)


At first glance my spirit-man said “Yes!” and I almost shared it. Then I took it to my Lord in prayer. This is what I heard:  “Yes. Absolutely. It rings true, but look deeper. I could have called down fire from Heaven and legions of angels to keep Me from being killed by the government - and by your sin. But I didn’t. I chose not to and went willingly and obediently to the cross because of the JOY (that’s us - His Bride) that was set before Me.” 


I knew instantly what He was saying to my heart and spirit. I’m to stand and continue to fight HARD - and with everything I’ve got - for every single soul that He brings across my path. To fight for them physically if I know they are in harm’s way. Fight for them spiritually if I know they are separated from their Creator God because they aren’t in a personal relationship with Messiah Yeshua – or - if they don’t hear the right Shepherd’s voice even if they do claim to know Him. His sheep do, indeed, hear His voice, yet sometimes His people do perish for their lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6) when we don’t hear correctly or aren’t correctly yoked to Him. I’m also to fight for others emotionally and mentally if I have resources to offer that might help ease their pain and torment. 


It is ALL a battle…even to stay awake to it all is a battle. Everything in me is constantly getting lulled back to sleep - to check out and be distracted by all the insanely good and amazing things He has poured out upon my life and story! Thankfully, I’m able to bask in all these things deeply and allow them to minister to - and help guard - my battle-weary heart. Even in the midst of navigating so much horrifying pain and suffering that I’ve been led to not only know about but also help expose and stop (Ephesians 5:11).


This isn’t intended to be about guns or no guns. That is a total no-brainer for me. Absolutely anyone that is jumping on the “we need more gun controls and laws” bandwagon has lost my respect long, long ago. Seriously. Let’s “talk” (email, message, comment, however) if you’re interested in knowing my “whys” here, but just look at world history as well as the last two years (research all the previously “free” and now unarmed countries and their recent fates) and then let’s talk.


The days in which we are living are about as set as they can be and very clearly laid out for us in Scripture if we would but take the time and diligence to fully know His Word in all its entirety - as well as rightly divided - because we’ve all been born into A LOT of lies in all of this! But God will lead you into truth as He promises us in Hebrews 11:6 “He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him” and He does, indeed, bring us into perfect peace when we call upon His Name - Messiah Yeshua!


If you’re reading this and all of what I’m writing sounds foreign to you and/or you know that you don’t know this amazing Creator God that I know, love, serve, and will forever write about, please don’t hesitate to reach out and ask any questions you might have. There are numerous links and helpful resources provided on this website - and my phenomenal husband (who knows so much more than I on so, so many things! ) and I welcome any questions, dialogue, and/or cordial disagreements you may have! We are put here for just “such a time as this” (Esther 4:14).


If you’d like to know this insanely good, good God and experience more LIFE, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, humility, and self-control - not to mention FREEDOM, call upon His name, confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead and you will be saved (Romans 10:9)!

Leslie Lindsay