A City on a Hill can not be hidden........
My heart aches and breaks for so many believers that are finding themselves lost, angry and bewildered with current events. We’ve been forewarned and foretold to expect exactly what is happening all around us. At unfathomably and unbelievably break neck speeds. I mean, seriously, we were told to expect these things literally thousands of years ago. Awake and alert saints have been waiting expectedly and with baited-breath ever since. Or at least I know I have been. I realize that saints of old have thought that they were also, in fact, living in just such times. So much so, that I guess the church has fallen asleep in the waiting and no longer knows what to expect. Or is even watching and waiting for this Blessed Hope we’re told about in Titus 2:13 any longer.
If we were told we were living in the end times when the Bible was written and recorded, we simply must be living in the final moments and even seconds now. We were told with stunning specificity what to be looking for. What prophecies needed to be fulfilled. What current events needed to happen. What the current world stage would need to look like, etc, etc. These things haven’t ever made sense nor been able to come to pass because of something not yet in place or fulfilled. Until now, that is. The things we were told to expect in scripture haven’t changed but I guess we’ve quit looking. And now they are happening all around us in incredible ways.
The theology that I grew up with and eventually married into is greatly lacking in these things. Obviously I had no idea because it was all I knew. I’ve always been an avid truth seeker/freedom seeker. In my younger years I didn’t know that these things were in fact God so I pursued “love” in all the wrong places. After searching to the ends of the earth to find what I now know and have, God led me to my parent’s very dysfunctional southern baptist church. Good, good people but horribly lacking and impotent theology.
Not being content with a weak and lacking faith, I’ve continued to passionately pursue God in all His fullness. This search has led me down many circuitous paths to bring me to a place of the incredible grounded-ness I now experience in His perfect plan. My life is on solid foundation and I know my purpose and plan in all that is unfolding around us. I obviously don’t have all the answers nor know exactly what everything will look like as it all unfolds. No man or woman does. However, the more I’m learning from so many scholars in their respective fields of study, research, prophecy, etc., the more I see how unprecedented the times are that we are now living. Sadly, only those not paying attention are the ones caught off guard by it all. And this is tragically so much more of the church than I could have fathomed.
I sincerely don’t mean this to be demeaning or patronizing. People that have been given insights and revelations from God (the gift of prophecy) often tend to come off this way. It is only because we have words of knowledge and other insights that can and do help shed light on seeing current events as seen through God’s eternal, unchanging and infallible word. We don’t want people to suffer and to be caught off guard by what is coming. Prophecy is history told in advance and we’ve been told what to expect. It’s liking watching the movie production of a script you’ve read and now get to see how it is brought to life.
I definitely wouldn’t have written the script the way it is all unfolding nor picked the actors He did. His thoughts are not my thoughts neither are my ways His ways. (Isaiah 55:8) We have to remember that it is God alone that raises up kings and leaders and brings others down. (Daniel 2:21) My personal picks for leadership don’t look at all at who we currently have in all of our offices across the land, but I am not God (we can all be hugely grateful for this!!! haha!) and He didn’t consult me. I can only do as He commands me which is to love justice, seek mercy and to walk humbly with my God (Micah 6:8) and to pray for those He has placed in authority over me. (1 Timothy 2:2) I personally didn’t vote for this President (voted third party) but I did do as I was commanded and started to pray and intercede for him. I’m also finding that it’s almost impossible to sincerely pray and intercede with a pure heart before the Lord and remain critical or hate-filled toward the person I am lifting up before our Lord.