Making sense of the times in which we are living.
If you’re not following and studying Biblical prophecy, you are missing out. Period. It’s that simple. Since birth I’ve been a passionate seeker of truth, love and freedom. To quote that old country song, however, I went looking for these things “in all the wrong places”. After diving headlong into just about every place imaginable in search of these things and then coming up empty every single time, I heard God whisper “come back to Me.”
Having no idea what that looked like, I started attending my parents’ very dysfunctional southern Baptist church where as divine intervention and appointment would have it, I met and married the love of my life as he had just started on staff at their church. Arriving in his butt ugly pinto with his guitar, fresh out of college, to become their youth pastor/worship leader. But that’s a gorgeous story for another time.
After finding the closest thing to a pure heart and deep, deep love for God (AND ALL His people) in my husband, I continued on my passionate search for the One True God that had saved me. Not the counterfeit versions of Him that I had always been exposed to. Once I met and found this True Messiah Yeshua - or better stated when He found me - I’ve not looked back and have been on a full out treasure hunt for the riches of being yoked to Him for all eternity ever since. This world simply doesn’t satisfy. I know this from full out experience of every high and every low. I have gone after it all.
As such, I’ve become a veracious student of every word that comes from the mouth and heart of My Lord and Savior. That’s the Bible. I’ve mistakenly followed after really smooth sounding spirits that closely mimicked my Lord and Shepherd and was therefore led astray in my theology.
No longer. If I don’t see it in scripture and/or it doesn’t come to pass, I don’t believe it. I’ll hold space in my seeking and thinking for it as a possibility but it is now held with great caution and a loose hand. I’m testing and verifying everything. Thoroughly. This is eliminating a lot of the false teachings, churches and ministries that I’ve been under in the past. Thankfully I’ve become much more discerning in listening to my good heart but one that doesn’t always align with His holiness and perfect and pleasing will. He uses my sanctified and redeemed heart in stunning ways to guide me but with His infallible word as my only plum line.
Back to the point of this a truth seeker since birth, once I found the only real source of TRUTH in the Holy Bible - alone and when paired with obedience and yielding to the Ru’ach Hokadesh (there are LOTS of deceptive spirits masquerading as “holy”) and in intimate relationship with Messiah Yeshua (the only One who saves!), absolutely everything fits for me now and is falling into stunningly accurate place.
I hear so many people saying things like “the world’s falling apart” when if you’re reading and following your Bible as well as those teachers that know it much better than you, you will see, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that things are falling RIGHT INTO PLACE according to all we’ve been told.
My faith has never been more sure of this nor more off the charts...and that’s saying A LOT because as someone who has been entrusted with the spiritual gift of faith to bring to the Body, I’ve never been more faith filled than I am right now.
And when He returns, will He find faith upon the Earth? Luke 18:8
“But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” ~ Hebrews 11:6