Experimental medicine
If you’re reading this, first I want to thank you. Primarily because I’m deeply honored that you’re giving me your time and attention and secondly because I’m thrilled that some of the truth that I’ve been led into may be of some use to you.
If you don’t know me already, let me just tell you that I’m an avid truth seeker and teller. It’s hard for me to keep my mouth shut about things that I’m passionate about and that I believe may help save another’s life. In other words, my mouth can get me in a lot of trouble. That said, if my opinion is different from yours in any area that isn’t of significance or import, then I’m glad to “leave you be” with our differences. However, if I see you taking a position that I’ve researched fully and feel very strongly is one of huge importance - and therefore something I really think you’d like to know, I’m trying to figure out how to best step into this place. I’ve not always had success in this (huge understatement there!) and yet I desperately want to get better about how I do this because of the high stakes that I see involved.
This is my humble attempt at presenting what I’ve found to be truth, in as non-threatening and/or offensive of a way as is possible, therefore allowing you to be better informed in your decision making process. If I step over any lines or boundaries here, I sincerely apologize and I ask your sincerest forgiveness. Please know that my words come from the very best of place and intentions.
My husband and I have been in home health care for almost the past 30 years. We navigate circles of some incredibly well informed and well-positioned people here in the Washington, DC area as well as in Colorado where we also do home care. My husband has his MBA from Oxford University in the UK and teaches at Georgetown University in both the certificate program as well as in their MBA program. He regularly has meetings, conference calls, etc, with very high up medical and governmental professionals such as Dr. Fauci. This said, we don’t come up with our positions easily and/or lightly. We seek to be as well informed as we are possibly able so as not to lead anyone astray with bad information.
As a passionate researcher and truth seeker, I’ve pulled together a couple of helpful and very informative resources made by highly trained, vastly experienced and deeply revered medical and legal professionals that can help you navigate some of the vast amounts of mis-information there is floating around. I pray you’ll find these resources useful and helpful as you seek to make well-informed and researched decisions about these experimental vaccines that are being promoted so heavily.
As is probably overstated but still so true…..”you can’t unscramble the egg” once you’ve injected these shots into your body.
This is some very, very helpful information about them: